My name is Linda Meijer-Wassenaar and I am an auditor who designs. This means that I am always looking for ways to make knowledge actionable: how can that important knowledge get the impact it should have? 

I started this quest at the Netherlands Court of Audit, when I initiated the Design Audit Studio – an internal unit of designers that collaborate with auditors to create customised designs based upon audit knowledge. This is a tough domain, a crossroad of complexity, change management and creativity. 

On several occasions, I shared experiences with design in audits. In 2021 we published a e-learning on visuals in audits. Next to that, I told our stories in a podcast called ‘Datavoorstellingen‘ and a second time with my colleague in the podcast ‘Innovatie ambtenaar’. In 2020 I gave an online presentation to members of the Dutch and San Francisco Bay Area ethnogroups and wrote and presented a paper on the new Auditors Alliance platform (OECD). In 2019 I gave a lecture at the Summer School in public auditing and accountability (Pisa), a four-day workshop at the Cour des Comptes Maroc (Rabat), a workshop at the National Audit Office of Finland (Helsinki), and a four-day workshop at Cour des Comptes Algerie (Alger).

Currently, I am seconded at the office of the Auditor-General of South Africa, where I spot and suggest innovations based upon my design experiences at strategic, tactical and operational level. Here, I want to contribute to AGSA’s exciting ambition to shift culture in 2030. 

Want to know more about my background? See my Linkedin-page.
And follow the adventures of the DAS on Linkedin #DesignAuditStudio: