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How auditors can learn from designers to innovate

So, we’re celebrating five awesome years of Design Audit Studio and it’s been a blast! I teamed up with Marjorie Bakker to write a paper that made the cut for the October conference of the IASDR in Milan. Unfortunately, I… Verder lezen →

Social Design Showdown: designer meets civil servant [Presentation]

While the use of design by the government is still in its infancy, there is a vast field of possibilities that remains unexplored. To encourage further exploration, the Ministry of Home Affairs, in collaboration with the National Government’s Innovation Community… Verder lezen →

The value of design is about making it real [Article]

For the government’s collaboration platform ‘Agenda Stad,’ Marjorie Bakker and I gave an interview about the value of design in auditing. This Dutch platform enables collaborations between cities, social partners, and the national government to achieve SDG 11: “Make cities… Verder lezen →

Interactive audits as future: chances for better products and engaging processes [Article]

Blog published at Eurosai IT Working Group. Interactivity can help audits to improve their impact by making a difference in the lives of citizens ISSAI-12. In this article we will argue how interactivity can add a new dimension to auditing,… Verder lezen →

“We are not auditors, but we change culture using the tool of audit to do this.”

Jan van Schalkwyk - Executive at the office of the Auditor-General of South-Africa

A social auditor who brings design to the Netherlands Court of Audit [Podcast]

Curious datalovers Ben de Jong and Michel Dekker interviewed me for their podcast ‘Data Voorstellingen‘1. Because it is in Dutch, I wrote down the key takeaways that came forward during this very pleasant and surprisingly personal conversation. Some people prefer… Verder lezen →

“Our knowledge is amazing; our ignorance even more so.”

Donella H. Meadows - Thinking in Systems: A Primer

An auditor who designs [Blog]

In September 2020 Auditors Alliance (project of the OECD) opened a community-driven platform for internal and external auditors in the public sector to discover, connect, and share. I got the opportunity to write about my experiences as ‘an auditor who… Verder lezen →

Beyond the visual: design research in audits [Paper]

Five years ago I started to use more and more visuals in the audits I was involved in. I discovered that visual stories would help to bring our message across, although it started out as a way for myself to… Verder lezen →

Transform audit speak using visuals [Article]

A spin-off of my Master thesis: IntosaiJournal published an article about the use of visuals. You can download the article below (Adobe Acrobat). But the whole Winter edition is worth reading: engaging stakeholders! You can find the publication on the… Verder lezen →

Thesis: How to discover and tell visual stories in audits?

During the Master Design Research, this design research question kept me busy: at the Netherlands Court of Audit and at the Willem de Kooning Academy. In my thesis, I share the results of my own design research with you. With… Verder lezen →

Expert lecture with Margaret Hagan

Almost three years ago, I started a new adventure. I decided to dedicate my career as auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit to discovering and telling visual audit stories. To support this mission, I started the Master Design at… Verder lezen →

“How can we use human-centered design to make law more accessible, useful and engaging?”

Margaret Hagan - Legal Design Lab Stanford

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