So, we’re celebrating five awesome years of Design Audit Studio! I teamed up with Marjorie Bakker to write a paper…
Social Design Showdown: designer meets civil servant
While the use of design by the government is still in its infancy, there is a vast field of possibilities…
The value of design is about making it real
For the government’s collaboration platform ‘Agenda Stad,’ Marjorie Bakker and I gave an interview about the value of design in…
Innovative accountability – session at OECD
Are auditors helping or hindering public sector innovation? Is it time for new accountability? Should auditors focus on assurance or…
Interactive audits as future: chances for better products and engaging processes
Blog published at Eurosai IT Working Group. Interactivity can help audits to improve their impact by making a difference in…
Quote Jan van Schalkwyk (AGSA)
We are not auditors, but we change culture using the tool of audit to do this.
A social auditor who brings design to the Netherlands Court of Audit
Curious datalovers Ben de Jong and Michel Dekker interviewed me for their podcast ‘Data Voorstellingen‘1. Because it is in Dutch,…
Quote Donella H. Meadows
Our knowledge is amazing; our ignorance even more so.
An auditor who designs
In September 2020 Auditors Alliance (project of the OECD) opened a community-driven platform for internal and external auditors in the…
Beyond the visual: design research in audits
Five years ago I started to use more and more visuals in the audits I was involved in. I discovered…
Transform audit speak using visuals
A spin-off of my Master thesis: IntosaiJournal published an article about the use of visuals. You can download the article…
My journey at the Master Design (WdKA)
In 2016 I started my journey at the Master Design Research, the Willem de Kooning Academy. A big, exciting adventure…
Thesis: How to discover and tell visual stories in audits?
During the Master Design Research, this design research question kept me busy: at the Netherlands Court of Audit and at…
Expert lecture with Margaret Hagan
Almost three years ago, I started a new adventure. I decided to dedicate my career as auditor at the Netherlands…
Quote Margaret Hagan
How can we use human-centered design to make law more accessible, useful and engaging?
The Intersection of Design, Data, and Journalism
In this presentation, Andy Kirk describes seven different roles in visual design. I noticed that I am also looking for…
The art of tweaking: effective science communication for audiences
Countless times I have been bombarded with bullet points from a PowerPoint presentation during my work. Slides with full sentences,…
A look into the soul of the animation
Animation comes from the Latin ‘anima’, which means ‘soul’. (WDKA, 2016) In fact, your static image ‘animates’. For me, animation…
Dutch Design Week: spotlight the maker [in Dutch]
Voor de les Critical Reading heb ik de Dutch Design Week (DDW) kritisch onder de loep genomen. Hieronder beschrijf ik…
Exploring the Ragged Edge of Science and Design
Inspired by the insights from Robert Dijkgraaf, I went looking for the ‘ragged edge of science’ to discover what design…
De infographicfabriek
In januari sprak ik met een onderzoeker van J-Lab, RenĂ©e van der Nat, over een onderzoek dat onderzoekers van J-Lab…
De crux bij infographics zit in de samenwerking
Dinsdag 10 mei spraken Maarten Lambrechts, Jan Willem Tulp, Els Engel, Yordi Dam, Marjolijn Pijnappels, Hans Spoelman, Frank Tieskens en…
Ontwerpers kunnen tekst en beeld op steeds complexere manier combineren
Charlotte van Hooijdonk is universitair docent aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, opleidingen Communicatie- & Informatiewetenschappen en…
Infographics: you have to clarify, not simplify.
The imperfect art of science
Dutch broadcaster De Correspondent interviewed scientist Robbert Dijkgraaf. In that interview he mentions the difference between the mindset of an…
Waarheidsvinding op Infographic Conference 2016
Vrijdag 4 maart 2016 was het Infographic Congres. Vooraf was mijn interesse vooral getrokken door David McCandless en Sheila Pontis,…
Design en design research
Christopher Crouch, schilder en bijzonder hoogleraar aan de University of Art and Design in Chongqing (China), en Jane Pearce, pedagoog…
Infoblobs en de ware datadesigner
Hendrik-Jan Grievink is grafisch ontwerper en betoogt in het Magazine Mediafonds dat datavisualisaties over het algemeen interessanter en spannender kunnen…
Quote Hans Rosling
I know, having the data is not enough. I have to show it in ways people both enjoy and understand.
De data alleen is niet genoeg
Zweeds arts en professor Hans Rosling was oprichter van de Gapminder Foundation. Bij Gapminder ontwikkelde hij software om data op…
Dataverzameling in klei
Wat is design research? Lonny van Rijswijk van Atelier NL laat in mijn ogen een prachtig voorbeeld van design research…
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